Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question that you think we might have already answered? Check out our frequently asked questions below, and if you don't see what you are looking for be sure to use our contact form to send us your message/inquiry.

If you are in Bonaire, pop up by our Native Tree Nursery and pick up a plant or two. Echo Native Tree Nursery offers more than 65 plant species that are ready for adoption. The native tree nursery is open on Saturday Mornings from 9am to 11am for you to adopt a tree and bring it to your garden. If you are not on the island and still want to adopt you can do a symbolic adoption.

A symbolic adoption is a donation to our cause with which you are contributing to our reforestation efforts on Bonaire.  Instead of adopting a specific tree, you are symbolically adopting a tree of a species of your choice by donating to the conservation, education and administration of the life cycle of a tree during our reforestation efforts.

Don't be alarmed. Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance is the correct merchant to appear on your payment screens and your receipt from PayPal. There is an agreement between MyBonaireTree/Echo andDutch Caribbean Nature Alliance for payment services. Don't worry, it is all legitimate. On your credit card statement the listing for the payment will be listed as "PAYPAL *DUTCHCARIBB". Contact us if you have any further questions or concerns.

Each reforestation site that Echo is working to restore has been carefully selected based on a number of metrics.  These include: the availability of fresh water (streams, groundwater, watersheds); existing vegetation (biodiversity, presence of rare trees); extent of habitat degradation (eroded hillsides, barren landscapes); practicality (ability to fence, feasibility for watering planted trees); visibility and accessibility for residents and visitors (for education and engagement efforts); presence of recognized Important Birding Areas; and how the land has been zoned (trees are planted on government land deemed as "Nature" to ensure they will be protected).  Once a site has been identified and selected, an on-site visit is made to complete a 'final check' of the aforementioned criteria; then permission to protect the site is secured with the government; and the public is informed of our intent to create a reforestation area through press releases, radio and tv interviews and in-person visits to people living nearby the proposed site.  Once all of these steps have been completed work can begin!

Each species (type) of tree is carefully selected for a reforestation area based on the soil type, ground layer (substrate, bedrock), existing vegetation, proximity to the coastline (exposure to salty air and/or strong winds), and canopy cover.  For example, some of our native trees prefer deep, rich volcanic soils and need a lot of shade and access to fresh water in order to grow well, while other "hardier" trees prefer to grow in limestone (hard, calcified rock made up of old coral reefs) and can withstand direct sunlight, salty air and stronger winds. Depending on where the reforestation site has been established a mixture of native trees will be selected for planting there.  Each site will be reforested with an average of 25 different native trees to promote diversity and restore ecosystem services (nutrient cycling, water retention, improved air and soil).

Unfortunately payments made through PayPal linked to DCNA will not be eligible for tax deduction, and so you will not receive a donation tax receipt.