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About Our Partners

Community engagement is a critical component of Echo’s long-term reforestation strategy. By partnering with residents, Bonaire citizens have the opportunity to experience the benefits and importance of conservation efforts firsthand. From the beginning, Echo has involved the community in the restoration of Bonaire’s dry forest habitat. Working with local guidance and support, we intend to expand Echo’s existing project to also develop opportunities for bird watching and citizen science, whereby individuals can contribute to monitoring efforts within the restoration areas.

Openbaar Lichaam Bonaire

(OLB) Island Government
In 2015, with funds from the Ministry of Economic Affairs, OLB selected and funded Echo’s proposal for an expansive reforestation effort on Bonaire, among other projects aimed at protecting and restoring Bonaire’s unique and fragile ecosystems. Without this funding and support, Echo’s work in restoring the dry forest of Bonaire would not have been possible. Understanding that “Nos ta Biba di Naturalesa” (Nature is our Livelihood), it is important that we think about using native trees in household gardens, resort landscapes and in converted farmlands.

Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance

DCNA is a nonprofit organisation created to protect nature and to promote the sustainable management of natural resources on the six Dutch Caribbean islands. The diverse ecosystems on our islands are a magnet for tourism and at the same time an important source of income for the islanders. Nature on the islands is unique and important but it is also fragile. DCNA works closely with Echo to help them make a difference. Work has included running the first Caribbean Birding Trail workshop on the island, supporting the conservation of Bonaire’s endemic parrot and most recently Echo’s reforestation efforts. DCNA is a proud partner and urges you to support Echo’s “Adopt a Tree” program to keep Bonaire clean and green.

Stichting Nationale Parken Bonaire

(STINAPA Bonaire - National Parks Foundation)
STINAPA Bonaire is a non-governmental, not for profit foundation commissioned by the island government to manage the two protected areas of Bonaire: the Bonaire National Marine Park (BNMP) and the Washington Slagbaai National Park (WSNP). STINAPA works with Echo on joint efforts to protect the dry forest and the Yellow-shouldered Amazon parrots who call it home. Examples of such collaborative works include the establishment of the first two reforestation areas within the Washington-Slagbaai Park and the annual roost count.


Helped plant trees and have adopted several for the restoration of the dive site Pink Beach.


Helped plant trees and co-sponsored an open house event that Echo hosted at its Dos Pos Conservation Centre.


Have created walking and biking trails around Bonaire, some of which intersect with reforestation areas that are being established by Echo.

...and many more...

We would also like to thank our local growers who are helping us by caring for baby trees until they are adopted and ready to be planted out.